Kicked off my arrival yesterday with a ride in from the airport from a driver who is...drumroll...a Vancouver-based documentary filmmaker, who of all things, is off to Sweden shortly to start shooting a cooking show. Little does he know that 20 years ago, yours truly herself fancied making her own cooking show when she was sailing across the

But that's not why you called. The greatest news of the last 24 hours is that we had a sell-out show this morning at 10:30 am, which was a huge surprise to all. I had been gently warned not to expect much on the morning of the festival gear-up weekend following a rolicking late-night party. But the place was packed for the screening. And again, it was followed an insightful, politics-free discussion of the film and the incredible women who occupy it. Canada, where have you

Oh, and I suppose you're wondering who that is swimming around in the photo. That's Jennifer, my roommate here at the Pacific Palisades Hotel. She hangs out next to my complimentary yoga 'kit'. She joined me this afternoon on my way back from the screening after I found the *perfect* laptop bag I've been seeking for the last 6's vegan 'leather'. Did I mention I love Vancouver?
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