Coincidences....or We're Not In Halifax Anymore
Had the delightful pleasure of sharing the ride to the airport with Albert Maysles on Tuesday morning (is that three days ago already?). We had actually met the day before at an intimate breakfast chat put together by the National Film Board of Canada which gave some of us filmmakers the chance to listen to his tales of an exemplary life of filmmaking over croissants and coffee. Turns out we have a whole series of strange coincidental connections to each other, not the least of which is that his son is currently over in Tibet making a film in the same region that DAUGHTERS was shot. I enjoy him, and I believe we're going to see each other soon in New York, which is a delightful thought. But now I'm back in New York. Hit the ground running at the IFP Market, which is it's own confection of desperation, hope and Heineken. It was good to see old friends and meet new ones.
Speaking of which, here's a photo taken at 4am in and around the environs of SoLita (when did that happen?) where I had the pleasure of wandering around post-Market HBO party with a mixture of both. To wit:
a novelist/script doctor/distributor (stay tuned for a big announcement next week); a fellow documentarian and all around brassy dame cut from the same cloth as yours truly (see her film at Film Forum in January! that's an order); a fabulous Danish actress new to NYC by way of Paris in high heels painful to even look at, and a certain DP/Techno-Guru who randomly turned up at Spring Street Natural where our gaggle supped, and absorbed into us as organically as Spring Street Natural itself, and who quite coincidentally (there's that word again) but no less profoundly happened to be the very same DP/Techno-Guru I had actually called from a satellite phone on top of a mountain in Tibet when our lens crapped out (a story to which said fellow documentarian could only rightfully quip 'oh, everybody does that'.)
All that to say...there's no place like home, and Vancouver, here we come!