I went to the Bob Dylan concert in Prospect Park, Brooklyn the other night. Never seen good ole Bobby live before so I was excited about it, though I was warned not to expect much. So I didn't, but fortunately I got a lot more than I bargained for - pretty darn good stuff, Mr. Z. He closed out the show with Blowin' in the Wind, still a powerful and sadly relevant little ditty. And also one that always makes me smile thinking about The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy and how the great question to the great answer '42' was "How many roads must a man walk down?"
I guess I was feeling pretty contemplative on that breezy delicious park night, because I suddenly thought "Hey, I'm 42" (yep, just like that) and then thought about this year of 42
I've been having and what a long, strange trip it's been (okay, groan, but I couldn't resist). I've traveled to 15 cities so far this year to attend theatrical premieres and film festival screenings of DAUGHTERS OF WISDOM in the US, Canada and Europe (though the film has been to even more). Throughout the winter and spring, I was on a plane every other week there for a while, so along the way, there's been little time to actually slow down and absorb all that has happened with this special slice of a non-arc, non-character, non-narrated documentary of mine. Except when I've had the chance to blog, of course.
But this summer has given me that time, and I'm thrilled that it was bookended by two pretty amazing events. Bookend #1 came in May, with my trip to Trento, Italy, home of the oldest-running (56 years and counting) and m
ost prestigious mountain film festival in the world. It was an incredible week of great food, astounding films and incredible spirit, and did I mention I was in Italy? And did I mention my favorite restaurant with the chestnut and pistachio gnocchi and chocolate salami?! Not only that, we had sold out screenings where people insisted on sitting in the aisles. But wait....not only that, we WON A SPECIAL JURY PRIZE! The prize was in recognition of the film's 'realistic insight' and inspiring 'positive attitude.' Viva Italia! And now we've been invited to so many wonderful other mountain film festivals all over the world, and there's nothing I wouldn't rather do than travel peak to magnificent peak - ah, for a trust fund to call my own! Oh, and that would be the awards ceremony over there on the right.
Okay, so after Italy, the traveling came to a much-needed slow-down. I've been enjoying the summer in NYC more than I've been able to in years, and prepping for Bookend #2 - our exclusive 7 Weeks of Wednesdays run at the Rubin Museum of Art. Back in May 2006, when Carla Ruff was just beginning her editing magic on the film,
we had a rough cut screening of DAUGHTERS at the Rubin Museum. The film was definitely rough, and short and preliminary back then, but the evening's event was lovely, and co-sponsored by one of the biggest champions and supporters of the film, the Hartley Film Foundation. And they've been there for us again this time around, co-sponsoring the delicious and elegant July 9 premiere of the completed film. That's yours truly (right) and the dream team of cinematographer Gena Konstantinakos (left) and editor Carla Ruff (center), at the premiere party, donning Katas offered by the museum during the Q&A. That event, and the four subsequent screenings so far, have been sold out. Thank you, New York, and the patrons of the Rubin Museum, for making our run so successful...so far...
Which brings me to my shameless self-promoting plug now. Put the kids in the other room, put the dogs out in the backyard, this is not for the faint of heart. There are still 2 more screenings to go at the Rubin Museum, so buy tickets ahead of time for the August 20 and 27 screenings. Call 212-620-5000 x344 NOW! I'll even stop writing so you can do it....
Okay, I'm back, and just wanted to let you know that if all of this post has been too Italy- and New York-centric for you, please click here to find a screening near you. And if all else fails, buy the newly released DVD.
Ciao for now!